Welcome to Imsaal Repairers

  • Plot 89-E, Block 2, PECHS, Main Khalid Bin Waleed Road
    Karachi, Pakistan
  • Opening Time
    Mon - Sat: 10AM to 07PM
  • Mail Us

How to Use Imsaal Repairers’ Android App

Step 1: Open the Imsaal Repairers app.

Step 2: If you are using our service for the first time, press sign up. Otherwise, press sign in.

Step 3: If you pressed sign up, you will redirected to the sign up form where you will fill in your details and press sign up. You will be sent a verification SMS with a 4 digit number which you will copy and paste on the verification page in the app.

Step 4: If you are already signed up, then you will directly land on our menu page. Press “Book Service”.

Step 5: Select the device you want to have repaired and fill in its relevant information. Then you can either press “Get Quote” to request for an estimated quote based on the problem that you have defined or you can press “Confirm Booking” and our rider will come to pick the device from your doorstep!

Step 6: If you pressed “Confirm Booking”, a review of the details of your device will show up. If you feel the need to update any information regarding the device, press “Edit” and you will be redirected to the previous page. If all the details are correct, simply press “Confirm” which will then forward your booking to us

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