Welcome to Imsaal Repairers

  • Plot 89-E, Block 2, PECHS, Main Khalid Bin Waleed Road
    Karachi, Pakistan
  • Opening Time
    Mon - Sat: 10AM to 07PM
  • Mail Us

21 Feb

Imsaal Repairers Launches Services in Karachi

Imsaal Group, comprising of Imsaal.com, an E-store, and I&H Solutions, a corporate based IT and Energy Solutions provider, has a vast industry experience. Imsaal Group, since 2010, is providing services to its consumers and national and multinational clients across Pakistan satisfactorily. For the ease of its customers and corporate clients, Imsaal Group has finally launched

17 Feb

3 Ways to Help Prevent Computer Repairs

Computers are a way of life. People use computers for banking, communicating with friends and family, for work and for pleasure. In order to keep enjoying your computer and avoid having to frequently bring it in for computer repair services, there are several ways that you can prevent damages from occurring. Proper Shut Down Will

17 Feb

Antivirus Protection Tips and Suggestions

About Antivirus Software Antivirus (or anti-virus) softwares are used mainly for the prevention, detection, and removal of malwares, like computer viruses, bugs etc. Antivirus softwares also assist by preventing and removing adwares, spywares, and other forms of malwares. A variety of strategies are typically employed in the assemblage of antivirus softwares. The signature-based detection attribute

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