Welcome to Imsaal Repairers

  • Plot 89-E, Block 2, PECHS, Main Khalid Bin Waleed Road
    Karachi, Pakistan
  • Opening Time
    Mon - Sat: 10AM to 07PM
  • Mail Us

18 Feb

Continuous Improvement

We always take our customer’s feedback positively and never settle for less than the best. We believe in improving everyday.

18 Feb

We Love What We Do

That’s how we live upto your expectations, because we at Imsaal Repairers love to serve our customer’s.

18 Feb


Honesty is not only the best policy but actually it is the only policy we have. We do not compromise on our honesty.

18 Feb

Customer Satisfaction

We believe in living up to the expectation of our customers. Earning their trust is our core objective.

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